Sea life

Dusky dolphins love to jump.
(click on a picture to get the large version)
Some closeups of dolphins swimming around and under our boat.
These pictures start to give you a feel of just how many dolphins were gathered together.
This is part of the dolphin orgy we witnessed. You can see the female on top and the white belly of one of the males underneath. If you look closely, you can see that there are other dolphins in there also.
Here's one of the "swim with dolphins" boats.
A couple shots of the fin whale.
Here are the dolphins riding the whale's wake.
When trying to spot dolphins, it was easy at first to mistake a seal fin for dolphin fin.
The seal in the middle caught a fish that was too big for him so he would shake it around to rip off some bite sized pieces. The gulls seemed to appreciate this.
Here are a couple shots of the fur seal colony to the north of Kaikoura.
Blue penguins are shy out on the water. Whenever we'd get close, he'd dive and swim just below the surface of the water for awhile.
For some reason these petrels are known as cape pigeons.
We visited this beach near Otumatu, the tracking station we used to the south of Kaikoura.
Recently there had been a big storm which washed huge piles of seaweed up onto the shore
A shot of a paua shell (abalone) and a hairy crab.